Information · Opinion

The Food of England and Scotland

If you follow me on Twitter or Instagram, then you probably saw that I spent Thanksgiving abroad. This was my first Thanksgiving without my dad, and I decided that the best way to deal with it was not to deal with it at all. Thanksgiving last year was so special. My dad drove from New… Continue reading The Food of England and Scotland

Information · Opinion

Book Review: The Liberation Diet

The Liberation Diet is probably a bit of a more obscure book from the Nutrition genre. I happened to own it because for a time my mother was consulting with the author Kevin Brown. The book basically advocates a more ketogenic diet. It can be broken into three distinct sections: information on nutrition and food,… Continue reading Book Review: The Liberation Diet

Information · Opinion

Maple Syrup vs. The Fake Stuff

True confession time: I was raised on Log Cabin, Mrs. Buttersworth, and Aunt Jemima’s Syrup (and the generic equivalent). I believed it was maple syrup. Then I met my husband, who was shocked that I not only ate and enjoyed Mrs. Buttersworth, but that I also thought that real maple syrup was too sweet. During… Continue reading Maple Syrup vs. The Fake Stuff